viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

The Best Concert Ever

I’ve never gone to a concert because there is no band or singer I like that much to go to see them live, but I enjoy hearing recorded music and covers of a lot of songs.
When I was younger I used to love romantic pop singers. So, I liked to learn a lot of my favourite artists’ lyrics by heart.  Today, singing those songs out loud makes me feel ashamed. It’s cringe. When I hear this kind of music, I start getting very excited.
Something similar happens when I listen to metal and rock songs. When I was in high school, Stravaganzza, La Renga, Rata Blanca, Mago de Oz and other bands were very popular. But it looks like it was okay back in my school days. Now, whenever I play these bands at dates and parties, nobody seems to like them or directly dislike them L. However, It is fun when I meet people who have experienced the same as me.
Today, I just hear the classics on my playlist, like pop, rock, cumbia, and a lot of cover singers that make me appreciate new music styles.

P.D: honorable mention for reggaeton old school. It'll never die in my heart <3

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